Good Friday Bible Verse

good friday bible verse

    good friday

  • Friday before Easter
  • The Friday before Easter Sunday, on which the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated in the Christian Church. It is traditionally a day of fasting and penance
  • The day of Christ’s crucifixion and death, commemorated by afternoon and evening services.
  • Good Friday, also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, Great Friday, is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.

    bible verse

  • The books of the Bible that are considered canonical number 24 for Jews, 66 for Protestants, 73 for Catholics, and 78 for most Orthodox Christians.
  • (Bible verses) This application offers a collection of over 1000 essential Bible verses on many important topics such as Faith, Relationships, Money &

good friday bible verse – 30 Scripture

30 Scripture Readings on Easter (Year Long Bible Reading Series)
30 Scripture Readings on Easter (Year Long Bible Reading Series)
Easter has become an excuse for a long weekend, sleeping in, and—for some—a new outfit. But by reducing Easter to an extra day off, we neglect to remember that Easter is the very crux of the Bible’s message. Since the fall of humanity, God had one mission: Easter.

This book will help you spend season of lent reflecting on the message of hope, life, and salvation that accompanies the resurrection of Christ.

These 30 passages are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary in hopes that you will enjoy reflective, undistracted moments with God’s Word. Spend a few minutes each day with these readings and you’ll find your perspective on Easter may get a little bit bigger.


Some folks walk away after Good Friday to them Easter is over. Just like the people of that time. Their hopes dashed that the Messiah was really Him, Jesus the Christ.
He had died, on the cross, and they left sad and hopeless. None of them had listened closely or if they did, they did not understand the second part of Jesus’ message to them.
On Sunday, early in the morning Mary went to the tomb to begin the ritual preparation of His body. But Jesus was NOT in the tomb! Mary thought someone had come and taken His body away.
She spoke to someone she didn’t recognize, thinking it was the gardener, asking if he had seen where they took Jesus’ body.
Then Jesus spoke. only one word, her name… "Mary"…
At once she recognized His voice. She ran to Him crying "Raboni, Raboni". (teacher).
You see, the cross was just the beginning of the story, the ressurrection was the middle and the LIFE EVERLASTING is the end!
Please give thanks to the ONE who died for ALL mankind;s sins, JESUS THE CHRIST, He is not on the cross, HE IS RISEN!!!!

Good Friday ….. (143/365)

Good Friday ..... (143/365)
Well, where can I start with today’s post ….. On a day that is obviously one of (if not the) most important in my faith as a Christian.

Today we look back at Jesus’ Crucifixion at Calvary, and the events of that final day. We all know the story; we have all heard it many times before. Despite hearing it – I wonder how many actually "listened" to it, and take to heart the sacrifice that was made all those thousands of years ago.

If you’ve followed my blog / 365 for long enough – or indeed if you know me in person, you’ll know that rightly or wrongly I am not one to preach. As such, all I can say is that my faith today is as strong as it ever is, and I am so very thankful for that.

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

good friday bible verse

It is Finished Good Friday Bulletin 2012, Regular Size (Package of 50)
The Bulletin reads:
It Is Finished

Not one has greater love than this,
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
~John 15:13

The dark, moody image coupled with the Bible verse and the declaration – “It is finished,” provide a powerful image to build your Good Friday service around. Bulletin is 8?” x 11” unfolded and 5?” x 8?” folded. Find the Lenten bulletins in the Related Products Section below.

Did you know . . .
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter; it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus at Calvary. Good Friday worship is the time to meditate on the passion of Jesus Christ. It is held at noon or in the evening in a sanctuary that has been stripped of decorations and in which the cross and other fixed images are veiled.

Abingdon’s Lent-Easter 2012 Seasonal Bulletins and matching pieces provide a beautiful array of designs to enhance seasonal worship services and special communications with your congregation.

This annual series includes bulletins, letterheads, and offering envelopes for all your Easter services as well as bulletins for all the special Lenten and Holy week services. This series also provides options for the all the special services throughout spring and summer, like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, and more.

To see our full selection search by typing keywords: Abingdon’s Lent-Easter 2012; and click “search”.